Subtotal: | $50.00 |
Ticket Fee: | $6.00 |
Coupon: | -$10.00 |
Total: | $46.00 |
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Join us for Saturday Bluegrass Brunch at Hey Nonny! Bring the whole family and enjoy our delicious brunch menu and live music on stage. No tickets necessary.
From the urban hollers of Chicago were born The Hat Stretchers! They are a string band trio whose music will place you on the edge of a beat-up porch, as you swing your bare feet to the beat of their bygone sounds. The Hat Stretchers members are veterans of the Chicago acoustic music scene: Rick Cookin’ Sherry (Devil In A Woodpile, Sanctified Grumblers) sings and plays guitar. John Hasbrouck (The Northside Southpaws, Hardscrabble) plays left-handed banjo and mandolin. And Jon Williams (Andrew Bird’s Bowl of Fire, The Chandelier Swingers) plays fiddle…Music with crooked harmonies and foot stompin’ rhythms fueled by moonshine and the music of Charlie Poole, Uncle Dave Macon, The Mississippi Sheiks, plus lesser known pioneers of primitive country music. It’s a hillbilly, “hell-yeah” hollerin’ good time!!