Subtotal: | $50.00 |
Ticket Fee: | $6.00 |
Coupon: | -$10.00 |
Total: | $46.00 |
LEARN HOW TO DONATE BELOW & VISIT https://tinyurl.com/heynonnyblooddrive TO SCHEDULE A TIME!
Ticket Type | Price | Quantity |
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Hey Nonny & Northwest Community Blood and Convalescent Plasma Drive
Located at Hey Nonny – 10 S Vail Ave, Arlington Hts Please make an appointment for blood donation visit: HERE To learn more about donating and to make an appointment for Convalescent Plasma please visit: HERE *Or contact Versiti directly at: 866-702-4673 – COVID19PlasmaIL@versiti.org. COVID-19 Antibody Test (CAT) will be performed on all regular blood donations. Appointments preferred; Walk-ins Welcome!
For the Walk-In Form Click Here and Please Fill Out Upon or Before Arrival: Click Here
2:00PM – 7:00PM | Mask and photo ID required! | Make sure to eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating.